Have him ruthless but sympathetic and frustrating to the Republic forces despite tremendous disadvantages. Have him be an alien whose people have allied with the Separatists against Republic invaders. I'd like Grievous to return to a tragic character as opposed to a one-dimensional Snidley Whiplash knockoff. Dooku should be multi-faceted in some stories he's a charismatic statesman, in others he's a ruthless Sith Lord, in others he's an enigma inscrutable to underlings and enemies alike.

We need a throwback to the Dooku of Yoda: Dark Rendezvous and the Republic comics. I'm not saying it needs to be 50/50 since I don't think the Separatists will ever be depicted as protagonists nearly as often as the Jedi are, but the formidability of the Separatists needs to be emphasized.